Off the job training and education for Employees

Off-the-job training helps to develop the career of the individual and the prolific growth of the organization. Off-the-job training is a form of training provided away from their workplace. Usually, it conducts in the form of classes, lectures, and sometimes role play. Off-the-job training is more expensive than on-the-job training and it takes more time. In off-the-job training, the company wants to hire external expertise or pay for conferences and classes so it’s an expensive training method.

Off the job training and education for Employees

Off-the-job training and education provide opportunities for staff to maintain and increase their technical or professional expertise. Organizations hire people for their specific skills and experience, but if employees’ skills are not maintained and updated properly their value became decreases. In this situation, organizations want to give off-the-job training and education to their employees. It gives benefits to the organization and employees

Off-the-job training methods

  1. Classroom lectures
  2. Audio Visual
  3. Case Studies
  4. Role Playing
  5. Management Games
  6. Programmed instructions
  7. Vestibule training
  8. Simulation

Benefits of off-the-job training

For the organization

  1. Off-the-job training gives staff an ‘outside perspective’ so that employees know what’s happening in the world beyond the organization. It will help to learn how other people are doing the job and can bring it back into their departments. So, it helps to get some new ideas and suggestions for improvement.
  2. The organization provides an opportunity for staff to meet with people from other departments or companies and share ideas and information. At the same time, the kind of ‘net working’ which goes on at training courses can polish the operation to employees get back to the job
  3. The organization helps to improve employees’ versatility and make them better equipped to deal with new tasks, projects, and responsibilities. And off the job training courses can prepare staff for promotion and new roles in the department

Benefits for the employee

  1. Employee motivation is increased because of off-the-job training. “At last somebody’s noticed me” when an organization sends an employee on a course, this shows that the organization is paying attention to him or her, and attention is probably the greatest motivation
  2. Off-the-job training often provides an overview of the topic so that employees can pay for their own job and experience into the broader
  3. Off-the-job training courses enable employees to maintain and update their professional writing skills
  4. When training is off the job, employees have the freedom to practice in a non-threatening environment. An employee’s failure or, lack of success isn’t going to be noticed or, recorded by peers.
  5. Off-the-job courses often provide new ideas and perspectives for improving employees’ individual work. It will help to get new ideas that might be used for improving the job and the operation of the department

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